We're all VERY excited about this one...
Social Marketing users now have the ability to tag (or mention) other businesses in the copy of their posts made to both Twitter and Facebook.
Users can tag business pages on Facebook and both business profiles and personal users on Twitter.
Tagging business pages in the copy of a social media post can be a great way to extend its reach and engagement. When a business is tagged in a post, the post becomes visible to their followers. This strategy can help businesses get more followers and engagement as customers who may not be familiar with the business will see the post.
While this can be a very effective social strategy, it is important to note that businesses should not be tagging other businesses in every single post. It’s most effective when there is a good reason to do so. For example, if the business is collaborating with another business on a new product or service or when two businesses are participating in an event.
Find out more here: https://support.vendasta.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053206694-Social-Marketing-Tagging-in-posts
Or check out how it works: