Our enterprise customers often express interest in the possibility of creating a widget similar to Snapshot Widget, but for general forms, ie. a ‘Contact Us’ form.
This would allow partners to create their own form within the platform to request information/action from their clients. This widget would give them the ability to post a form asking their clients to vote on topics, submit a request or review, take a survey, or subscribe to a blog or email subscription.
This widget would allow partners to collect information about their client’s needs and provide more valuable outcomes. Would your agency find value in this?
I would agree. Even making this as simple as the current Snapshot Widget with a check box to say do not run a Snapshot Report. This would enable us to run form submits back though Sales and Success and start a campaign.
That’s an interesting way of approaching it and an effective method of prepping a campaign through the widget. It would certainly be an easy first step in generating a stronger widget. Definitely something for the Product managers to consider.
I’m looking for something similar. I would love to be able to use a platform like Typeform to funnel in new leads to the platform.