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Let's connect, Conquerors.

Reply to this post with your LinkedIn handle (hyperlink it) and 1-5 words that describe what your profile entails. (or a short description of your business, up to you)

Colleen McGrath: Conquer Local, Vendasta, Women in the Workplace, Marketing Trends



As I work more and more with our community, I'm witnessing these fantastic business partnerships form. I'm also personally connected with some of you on LinkedIn already and find great value in what you share. I look forward to you all connecting and finding those strategic partnerships where you can bounce ideas off of one another. 

I leave you with some words I live by:
"Show me your friends (connections), I'll show you your future" 

Keep up the great work.

5 Replies
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Posts: 40
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Joined: 4 years ago

Bret Klarenbach: Conquer Local, Psychology, Branding, Social Media, Marketing

109 Points
Posts: 2
Joined: 4 years ago

Here you go team! I'll be happy to connect with you on LinkedIn. I am the CEO of based out of Montreal

527 Points
Posts: 4
Joined: 5 years ago

Hello fellow Conquerors!

Robert Davis here, CEO of KOR | Unlimited - a digtial marketing agency dedicated to helping local businesses gain Knowledge, identify Opportunities, and deliver Results!


Here is the link to my LinkedIn profile:

Robert Davis_LinkedIn


Also, here is the link to my digital business card through Linq:

Robert Davis_Linq App

89 Points
Posts: 7
Joined: 3 years ago


I'm no Janice Christopher, but I am a Nicolas Riddle!

179 Points
Posts: 2
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi!  I am Carla Ansley, Conquer Local, Vandasta partner, restaurants, eateries, takeouts identifying premium value brands for the food and beverage industry. ?  Pleasure meeting you!!