Love this idea! I also volunteer to be a tester.
Hi Rick,
We are still developing our proposal builder software. When it is available, it will be located in Sales & Success Center. Thank you for your interest!
Hi Curt,
I will make sure to reach out to you when we need additional beta testers. Thank you for your interest!
Hey Julie!
I will contact you when we need more trusted testers. Thank you for your interest ?
Any update? Very excited about this.
HI Is there any updates on this because it has been going since June?
Hey Rylan! Cool! Please add my to the Trusted Tester program. I am looking forward to this tool.
Hi Paul, we are now opening up for more trusted testers. I'll be reaching out to you to try it out! For now, the Proposal Builder allows you to create quotes. In the future (Q1 2021) you'll be able to make elaborate proposal documents with signatures, client testimonials, and much more!
Hi Derek, I'll send you a message so you have trusted tester access ?
Please add me to the Trusted Tester program as well.
I would also be very much interested in testing the new proposal feature.
I am a trusted tester - please include me on the proposal beta program.
Hello Jeremy, I would love to participate in the testing processes and provide as much feedback as possible to your team.
I would also be very interested in testing this new proposal feature!
Great job on this custom proposal/ quote generator. Once you get everything ironed out you will have made this platform absolutely amazing! ?
I have some feedback.
1) See attachment and read these notes: I was creating a custom quote with the Proposal Generator and I added the "Google Ads Robot" but I couldn't add "Google Ads Additional Monthly Spend (Large)". So I added it as a custom/ user-defined product. I just copied and pasted the description into the quote. The only problem is we can't edit the "pay frequency" for custom/ user-defined products. What are your thoughts on this or is this something you are working on to fix?
2) Similarly, I know this generator is still in beta so it's going to have some hiccups. With that in mind, why can I add the "Google Ads Robot" product but not "Google Ads Additional Monthly Spend (Large)". Is there a way you can add that to the product catalog or as a sub-product or add-on option that is available for products?
Let me know what you guys think.
Nick Farnsworth