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Tuesday - Market Your Agency Workshop

1944 Points
Posts: 41
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Joined: 5 years ago

In this workshop, we show you how to leverage content to become a lead magnet, engage more businesses and become the local expert that everyone wants to do business with. We help you create a content based road map of the products and services you are selling.

Our system fills the top of your sales funnel, and nurtures them so you can qualify them as your ideal customer.

Register link: Market Your Agency

If you are interested in attending additional workshop please see the workshop schedule: Workshop Timetable

6 Replies
101 Points
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I am assuming the presentation this week will be recorded and if so, where would I find that? I am somewhat new to the team.

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1944 Points
Posts: 41

@kristy.fresh560 I am sorry you missed the workshop. The workshops are live. If you've missed it this week. Please join us next week same time.

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Posts: 2

@Hashim I am looking for content to build out my website. is there a quick video under 2 minutes that can help businesses learn about what we have as they do their research?

Joined: 5 years ago

1944 Points
Posts: 41

@monique343 thank you for the question. I have a web discovery questionnaire that helps you as well as your prospect prepare for essential services on a website with upsell/cross sell paths. Are you able to email me your calendar link so I can book some time to explain how these questions work and products that go along with them?

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21 Points
Posts: 2

@Hashim Hello. Here is my link

I also sent additional questions to you before seeing your reply so please lets discuss those as well. Lets meet this afternoon if that works foryou. I will invite Elijah once you confirm.

Brady Lang
Joined: 5 years ago

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