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Looking for any tips on my Golf Ad

Jeff Martinson
36 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

Just for some context. This ad is going to be in a Course Guide on a Golf Course. (There's an example in the link above.)

I got a deal that puts my ad on the 9th Hole page, on 3 different courses, for 2 Years!

I'm new to the Agency world so I'm looking for some tips or advice. I'm really stuck on trying to create a Game within the Game. Just to make it a little more fun.

The downside to this is that I'm not sure how many edits I will get over the course of this promo. And how long it will take to roll out the edit. I mean, once they've printed the course guides, who knows how long it will take to get my new edit to make it into the new batch of course guides. Anyway, I think you get the idea. So because of that I want it to be as perfect as possible from the jump.

My goal was to try and create an offer that was too good for them to pass up. Sometime to just get their foot in the door. So I started with 50% off of EVERYTHING for 3 months! I since narrowed it down to just the products in the Local Business Online Toolkit.

I was talking to one of our Vendasta Experts and he said that I should try to say something different other than "Online Advertising" in my line where it says, "We Help Local Businesses Get More Customers and Sales Using Online Advertising." He mentioned that sometimes saying, "I can help you with ads," today doesn't hold any weight. But I wasn't sure what else to say there or how else to word it.

I don't want to make this too long-winded. But I'd love to hear some different perspectives.

5 Replies
Shawn Hodgson
101 Points
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Make sure you are speaking to the prospect about their problems, not your tools or solutions. What are their potential goals? What are their challenges in achieving those goals? Have you helped others in their industry or at their level solve problems/challenges in reaching those goals?

Shawn Hodgson
101 Points
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Also, have you considered using a QR code on your ad so that it goes to a video or landing page, so that you don't need to update the copy of the ad? Make it simple enough and general enough that you don't need to update the print ad, but can update the landing page, etc.

Jeff Martinson
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@Shawn Hodgson

Yeah, I'm going to have 3 different QR Codes. So then I can track the traffic from the 3 different Courses. All 3 QR Codes will go to the same landing page. I'm not sure if you got a chance to click on the link above to the Google Doc. But it shows an example of my Ad there. This Ad is going to be given to people playing on the Golf Course. A lot of them Business Owners. However, I really have no idea what type of Businesses they run. So it needs to be broad enough to speak to all of them. So I can't really speak to how I can help them specifically. But I think all of them could use something from the Business Toolkit to start. I just need to get their foot in the door. So that's why I was thinking of a compelling offer, but something fun and competitive as well.

Angel Castro
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Here's my strategy:

1. Create a sales funnel for this promotion (don't send them to your main website). Use a funnel for conversion.

2. Write your ad copy using this framework: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.


Attention: Are you looking for a new way to get more customers and sales?

Interest: I'm Your Business Caddie to Help Keep Your Business Out of the Bunker!

Desire: Let us take care of all the hard work for you so you can focus on what matters most - running your business!

Action: Get a Par or better on the 9th Hole and pay 1/2 the price on any and all services for the first 3 months.

3. Automate your sale process: Set up follow-up email sequences and text messaging to nurture your leads and convert them into customers.

Let me know if you'd like to discuss this further!


Jeff Martinson
36 Points
Posts: 6
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Joined: 4 years ago

@Angel Castro

I have them being sent to a specific Link that's only accessible from the Ad. The link is technically on my website but you wouldn't be able to get to it unless you knew the specific URL. So I'm using that specific URL as a landing page where it's only talking about this Ad and addressing the people that would be clicking on this Ad. But because it's still on my website, they could click around my site if they wanted to. But they wouldn't be able to get back to the page unless the rescanned the QR Code.

Does that basically cover the need for the funnel as you were talking about? Or is there something else I'm missing. Thanks