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Lead capturing/nurturing for SMBs

18 Points
Posts: 6
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Joined: 3 years ago


Quick question to this great Community: if you target SMBs how do you help them with lead capturing and marketing automation?


We're asking this because we have spent years with Movylo ( trying to help SMBs complete the customer journey and we'd like to get your opinion on this matter.


What we do, basically, is help SMBs (that are very often unfamiliar and inexperienced with using software tools and have little time/patience) with a fully automated approach that helps them connect their lead gen sources (their website, their social accounts, ...) in order to help them build their own Customer List.


After that, we have also realized that giving them a Customer List is often not enough, so we also developed a marketing automation engine that nurtures the List to extract sales.


The idea comes from the basic question: you have a website, you want traffic and customers (and maybe you do SEO to drive traffic), but..if you don't capture the leads and convert lose a lot of value (and the same applies to FB likes, Googles searches and so on).


The questions to you are:

  1. how do you rate the importance of lead capturing/nurturing/converting (=customer engagement) compared to the sales of website/social/SEO/PPC,...?
  2. which tools are you using today to achieve this goal, in case you find it important?

Thanks Community!

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Joined: 4 years ago

FYI - Movylo is a product in the Vendasta Marketplace!

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