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[Sticky] Introduce yourself here! ?

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Robert White
31 Points
Posts: 6
Joined: 5 years ago

I am Robert White, founder of Quail Advertising in Houston, TX. I have ran my own marketing agency for 23 years now, I have used Vendasta since 2019 and joined in 2020. Sorry I'm just now posting this :). I own two other companies, one being a print company and the other is a SaaS company, but Quail Advertising is my main company.

My passions are my wife and son, music, and entrepreneurship. I really have a huge passion for helping people, business owners and non business owners. I love helping newcomers that are wanting to create their own marketing agency. I know when I first got started I wish that I knew someone in advertising I could turn to when I had questions. I told myself if I was ever in the position to help someone starting out I would.

So now that all that is out of the way, I hope to meet a lot of you on here and if anyone ever has any questions feel free to reach out to me and we can always jump on a call or chat if you like.

There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: Happiness is found in helping others.

| For it is in giving that we receive — Saint Francis of Assisi
| The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity — Leo Tolstoy
| We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give — Winston Churchill
| Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you are helping, because giving gives you purpose. When you have a purpose-driven life, you’re a happier person — Goldie Hawn

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Joined: 2 years ago

30 Points
Posts: 2

@Robert White I see you have a vast and successful Digital marketing businesses. My background is in engineering so not much into marketing; I have been in the corporate world for about 20 years now and I am joining Vendasta as a way I can be establish a new marketing agency and be able to be my own boss and be independent in order I can be of help to small businesses who want to grow withing their local businesses. I would love to connect with you if there is that possibility. Wishing you continuous success and blessings. Regards, Kenny. 

33 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hey Robert, 

Thanks for showing up.  Appreciate the offering hand.  I’m transition from the Army to civilian life and I just started a digital marketing agency and business coach.  I welcome any suggestions you are willing to give.  I just got Vendasta and I love the setup and the information it can provide to my clients.  I brought 2 on in the last couple weeks and was able to upsell one that I brought on.  

I believe this will enhance my clients and allow them to truly understand their business and come up with better strategy plans.    

My grandfather was a farmer and I worked with him since I was 6 years old.  One thing he use to tell me about business was “you have to always treat people well or your business will fail” this is something I always think about in my life and in business.  He was a giver and if you came to his truck and didn’t have any food he will give it to them, and say “Never not feed someone who is hungry.” I said all that to say.  Thank you for feeding us newbies ?.


Wishing love and blessings to you and your family. Continuous prosperity and awesome memories.  

8 Points
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I am Agnes Bassey, I'm pretty new here and I'm an Account Executive with Altom Agency and I'm ready to learn and hit the ground running. I enjoy dancing and listening to music.

Looking forward to connecting.



4 Points
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Hi Everyone,


My name is Cameron Roberts. I am based on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland Australia - and yes... it is as nice as it sounds!


I am new here. My team and I specialise in Marketing Automation, Sales Workflows, and Paid Advertising.


This is us!


Personally I provide Consulting as a Fractional CMO -


When I am not behind a screen you'll find me on a Stand Up Paddle Board or on a Mountain Bike. 


Looking forward to connecting with you soon,





16 Points
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In the process of learning more about Vendasta and how it can help elevate my new small Copy & Content Business. 

I work with purpose-driven brands and empower writers to break into the freelance world. I'm also the CMO for where we are working to end homelessness one person at a time (don't judge me on the website, I inherited it lol and am working on a new one)

Hope N. Griffin


21 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hello Every,

I am excited to meet and learn from many of you. I have had by business for a little over a year now. Slow traction has been better than no action. I and new here to the vendasta platform but i love the idea. I would like to know how you all sell and market your products utilizing the vendasta platform.

I have been in my field for 4 years and it is time to invest in myself again.



21 Points
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hey Everyone!


Looking forward to growing my agency business using the Vendasta platform!!



35 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hey Everyone! Wave my name is Mitchell Todd with The Click Media Marketing Agency. (

A little bit about me - I have had my marketing & design company for about 6 years now with just a hand-full of clients, but now I am looking to grow and offer more services!

I love tennis, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and most things pop culture!... oh and dancing!

I'm really looking forward to this great partnership with Vendasta. So many helpful tools and products to sell! The goal is to do 20k/a month in billings just with Vendasta Products alone. 

Looking forward to collaborating and working together! 



313 Points
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Joined: 3 years ago


  I've beed dabbling in Reputation Management, SEO and Internet Marketing for 5 years.  I'm interested in starting my own agency and plan on doing so after doing the Vendasta training (and Conquerlocal).

I enjoy disconnecting with modern life and getting outside to connect with mother nature.  I enjoy, boating, fishing, camping and trekking in the wilderness.

I've lead and managed teams selling high ticket items to professionals and plan on harnessing that experience to grow my agency.

I'm an open book and happy offer assistance where possible.

I love dogs and have a black Belgium Malinois who likes to climb trees.

Belgium Malinois   Collage
2 Replies
Joined: 4 years ago

779 Points
Posts: 40

@trems324 Howdy! For 5 years already, that's fantastic! I'm in awe of your pup and admire its climbing ability haha. Very happy to hear about your experiences, I hope Conquerors take advantage of that offer of assistance. If you want to fast-track getting to know our team and other partners, check out our Conquer Local webinars- I think you would get significant value out of them! Welcome to the community.

Joined: 3 years ago

313 Points
Posts: 3

@BretConquerLocal - Thank you for the comments!

I certainly plan on taking a look at Conquer Local webinars. Sounds as though there might be some great information there.  I'm still making my way through all the academy sections.  Academy has dome excellent content!

I also look forward to more collaborative interacting with everyone in the ecosystem!


Thank you,



268 Points
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hi I am Dani. I working in the technology industry in Oregon, but it has been my life-long

dream to run a marketing agency. I have Masters degrees in Business and Internet

Marketing. I think that Vendasta provides an amazing format for me to put together an

agency that will serve my clients in a holistic way. My hobbies include cooking, women's

empowerment events, my children, and becoming an Influencer on Instagram.

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Joined: 4 years ago

779 Points
Posts: 40

@dani926 Excited for you, Dani! A life-long dream coming to fruition. We've seen it happen many times, and I'm personally quite eager to see your story unfold. I'm immediately interested in the becoming an influencer on Instagram! Would it be on the topics mentioned or something different ? (Love the topics mentioned)

62 Points
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hey team! My name is Matthew Rubino, and I am the owner of Digital Stack Media.

Although I am new to the digital marketing space, I am not new to providing long-term value to clients. Over the past ten years, I have successfully grown three different startups that provide B2B solutions within the construction and building automation industries.

I started this agency to cross-sell to my and other businesses that struggle with digital marketing. If I can learn the skills needed to be successful online, I can teach others how to do the same.

I am eager to learn from the best and welcome connecting with others in this community!

36 Points
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the software side; I have been splicing coaxial, copper, and fiber—headend maintenance and builds. Plenty of disaster recovery, you name the hurricane, and most likely, I was there rebuilding—installs of just about everything and construction. 

I am probably a little older than most of you.  I've been in the Telecommunications industry for over 30 years.  Marketing has been new territory for me, but I'm learning.

I decided to take a leap and go for it; I have always liked sales now I am a provider of products and services.  The technology is the same, but the language is different, so is the application.

I have learned a lot in a bit of time but still need to know a lot more.   If any of you guys are willing to spread some of your expertise, don't be shy, I could use it. 

I gave up on hobbies don't have the time anymore. Well, I do have a hobby of studying. I would love to stay in touch to keep up and see how well you've progressed.

Here's my contact info: Company: MerrittComm LLC Email:   Phone: 910-220-5661

Thank you for allowing me to express myself, and I look forward to speaking to you all.

Goodbye for now. I wish you the best on each of your journeys.


36 Points
Posts: 3
Joined: 3 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the software side; I have been splicing coaxial, copper, and fiber—headend maintenance and builds. Plenty of disaster recovery, you name the hurricane, and most likely, I was there rebuilding—installs of just about everything and construction. 

I am probably a little older than most of you.  I've been in the Telecommunications industry for over 30 years.  Marketing has been new territory for me, but I'm learning.

I decided to take a leap and go for it; I have always liked sales now I am a provider of products and services.  The technology is the same, but the language is different, so is the application.

I have learned a lot in a bit of time but still need to know a lot more.   If any of you guys are willing to spread some of your expertise, don't be shy, I could use it. 

I gave up on hobbies don't have the time anymore. Well, I do have a hobby of studying. I would love to stay in touch to keep up and see how well you've progressed.

Here's my contact info: Company: MerrittComm LLC Email:   Phone: 910-220-5661

Thank you for allowing me to express myself, and I look forward to speaking to you all.

Goodbye for now. I wish you the best on each of your journeys.


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Joined: 4 years ago

779 Points
Posts: 40

@Tony000G I'm excited to see you apply your vast experience to this new venture. 

You've made it clear in your message that you're interested in leveraging community to grow.

My name is Bret and I'm the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for Conquer Local. I implore you to register for our webinars, Tony- I think you would flourish in them and gain a lot of value ??.

Many partners join our Wednesday Water Cooler session (3pm EST on Wednesdays) for an open conversation surrounding specific roadblocks, wins, or general discussion- agency owner to agency owner (exactly what you're mentioning).

You could also join our Community Sessions (11:30am EST on Fridays) where we bring in industry thought-leaders, agency owners who have realized great success ready to share tips and tricks, and others to facilitate your growth. 

Visit the Vendasta Webinars Page and scroll to the Conquer Local session for more information and registration.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your goals, Tony! Welcome to our community- happy to have you.

13 Points
Posts: 2
Joined: 3 years ago

Hello Everyone-


Im Mary Dickinson, checking the environment of Vendasta-Glad to be here.


We focus on content marketing and creating digital solutions for the online marketing place. We thrive as a T shaped marketing education resource and digital SAS tools for business, to do more business.

OUR Mission! Our Passion!

Our goal-transpose our profits into becoming the first community based addiction resource outreach
service of its kind to be completely self-funded without the need for
government loans, grants, or local funding once launched.

Creating Acts 2 ACTIONS-

A.D. Solutions ky L.L.C. - Working on community based outreach program assisting Drug and Alcohol Offenders into Recovery programs for RE-ENTRY-RE-Train-Recovery Solutions, utilizing the power of A.I. & monetized affiliations-

Our status que is no longer good enough! Something has to change, I figure, I mise well be the one that does it! 

130 Points
Posts: 10
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi everyone ?️ 

I'm Kailah Bharath, the marketing lead for CalendarHero (Vendasta's first-ever acquisition!). We're an AI-powered meeting and appointment scheduler built for busy teams in customer-facing industries — now available in the marketplace

I'm based out of Toronto, Canada, and have previously worked with several small businesses and notable brands across tech, the arts and entertainment, retail, and wellness. 

I'm excited to help more businesses discover the power of automated meeting & appointment scheduling. I look forward to connecting with Channel Partners and continuing to innovate our product to meet the needs of today's appointment-based businesses!

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