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Marketing Services How to get a great testimonial?

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Joined: 3 years ago

Hey All!


I have a few customers now using Business App and the marketing services provided via Vendasta.  I am looking for examples of Testimonials from clients like mine.


I have requested reviews in Customer Voice but also I am looking for more of a Case Study/proof of ROI.


Also; How do you go about getting a great testimonial? I am interested in examples and frameworks for getting these done. Perhaps a breakdown of how you use the Executive Report to show this proof or any other Vendasta tools you are using to do this. 


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

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113 Points
Posts: 24

@EagleE What a fantastic question!! I'm Nicole, I manage the work on many of the case studies we put together on our Vendasta Partners. You can view them here:

I have a few thoughts to share:
- I use the platform, and in your case you could use business app to conduct some research on the clients and wins they've realized as a result of your partnership in advance
- Make the ask: reach out to the clients you know are your biggest brand advocates and find out if they'd agree to providing a testimonial for you
- Book a meeting and record their response. You can use meet, or if in person a voice recording app to capture their response to your case study testimonial questions. Some that I lean on for every testimonial capture: Who is (insert business name) and who do you serve? Why did you choose to partner with us? If you were to describe to someone else the value of partnering with us, what would you say? What's ahead/ what are you most excited about tackling with us in the future?
- Include backlinks for your clients LinkedIn page or business website so they also receive the benefit and SEO boost from being linked and mentioned if the asset lives online
- Share it back! Not only do we include our case study subjects in the review and approval process so we can ensure their brands are fairly represented, but once they're complete we share back the feature with the client if they'd like to amplify it through their own channels, or refer others to check out your business

Just my take on this - hopefully it's helpful 🙂

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Joined: 2 years ago

We do testimonials! To find some things we have done in the past, just look here.

22 Points
Posts: 8
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi there! Are you asking about how to ask for a video testimonial or how to execute the testimonial itself? We find that asking 5-10 open ended questions about how the customer is using your product/service, how it has impacted their business, and why they would recommend it to others are 3 great questions to start with.