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FEATURE REQUEST: Turn Executive Report recommendations on/off by section

47 Points
Posts: 7
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Joined: 3 years ago

It would be nice to have more flexibility in what sections include recommendations in the Executive Report. Right now, we are forced to turn them all off. 

Use Case: We design websites for many of our clients that are not hosted in Website Pro. The website section typically recommends that they "get started" with a website which makes it seem like we're not even aware that we've designed and are maintaining that clients website. I would like to turn off recommendations in the Website section of the Executive Report while leaving others turned on. 

2 Replies
389 Points
Posts: 22
Joined: 4 years ago

Hey Brian, thanks for sharing your request. You can submit feature requests and see what's new and coming next in our customer roadmap at Others are already asking for this particular request, and you can add your vote here!

389 Points
Posts: 22
Joined: 4 years ago

Hey Brian, thanks for sharing your request. You can submit feature requests and see what's new and coming next in our customer roadmap at Others are already asking for this particular request, and you can add your vote here!