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CRM & Sales Staff management

352 Points
Posts: 7
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Everyone!


Just curious, does anyone use and recommend a CRM or is sales and success center sufficient?

We are looking to expand and hire some sales staff and looking for the most efficient and cost effective way to manage the clients and sales staff in one place. Is there a way to build in commission splits so the sales agents can see their commissions for each client? 

Thanks so much for any and all information it’s greatly appreciated ?

2 Replies
352 Points
Posts: 7
Topic starter
Joined: 4 years ago

I am also curious what people find works best for compensating staff. Do you give commission breakdowns or flats? Sliding scales? Looking to expand and any help is, again, greatly appreciated.

136 Points
Posts: 1
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Ryan,

I also like using zoho crm as it integrates with zoho books.  I do use 2 CRMs. Cheers!