G'day, Interested to see if there's any Aussies or Kiwis that are interested in a regular catch up?
Recently, I've been attending the Watercooler Wednesday (Thursday 5:00am) which are great, and I'll probably continue to attend. There's so much experience, and expertise in the room, but I can't always make it or stay for the full meeting.
Anyone interested in creating a Down Under chat/meeting towards the end of the working day on a regular basis please feel free to contact me.
Richard Watts | SalesGrow | Toowoomba | 0458 958 230 | richard@salesgrow.com.au
Hi Richard,
One email intro has been sent and I see that you've already connected with the interested partner to get this initiative going. I'll have a few more intros coming your way in the next few days so keep an eye out for those hitting your inbox soon!